The Actisense DST-2 module is the market-leading way to take analogue transducers into the digital age.
When used with new or existing transducers fitted to a vessel, the DST-2 digitises depth, speed and temperature transducer signals into NMEA data to deliver best-in-class seabed tracking.
The frequency of the DST-2 must match that of the transducer. Typical frequencies used by manufacturers are 150 kHz, 170 kHz & 200 kHz.
The module is ideal for operation with any NMEA 0183 compatible devices, such as chart plotters, radars or an on-board PC. In addition, it can be calibrated via a PC for various sensors and installations using the DST Smart Calibration Utility.

Safely drive up to six NMEA 0183 Listeners, with power distribution for the connected Talker.
The Actisense NMEA 0183 Buffer isolates and buffers NMEA 0183 data, with the power to drive multiple devices.
Ground breaking ISO-Drive technology from Actisense means you can safely connect to 6 NMEA 0183 Listeners to the NBF-3 with complete peace of mind that your devices are safe from hazardous ground loops. The OPTO-isolated input also protects the connected Talker.
The NBF-3 can distribute up to six identical, amplified streams of data from one source. The NMEA signals are buffered to ensure that each Listener receives the data at the required voltage levels, providing consistent data quality.
The NBF-3 has the addition of power distribution for the NMEA Talker. By having power and data from the same source, cabling requirements are reduced and installation is simple.

The NDC-5 is more than just an NMEA 0183 Combiner/Multiplexer; it provides an installer with a highly flexible platform that can be used to solve many NMEA 0183 interconnectivity headaches.
The five NMEA 0183 inputs can be routed to any of the two NMEA 0183 outputs providing a highly customisable network. The bi-directional serial port and Ethernet port also allow for simple configuration and diagnostics using Actisense software.
The configuration tool is accessible via any popular web browser (using the Ethernet port) so there are no PC operating system compatibility issues to contend with. Using the web based configuration tool will allow the user to finely tune the exact data available on each output. The default setup is for all data to go to all outputs.
Industry leading isolation is provided on all inputs and outputs as standard, so that connected devices safely avoid hazardous ground loops, the number one cause of product failure in NMEA 0183 networks. This makes the NDC-5 robust enough to handle any NMEA 0183 installation.
Pluggable connectors allow new devices to be easily installed without the need to remove the NDC-5 from its mounted location. A professional DIN rail mounting mechanism keeps the NDC-5 secure in high vibration environments. Helpful LEDs indicate power, data in, and status conditions to aid diagnostics.

Safely connect your PC to your NMEA 0183 network.
The Actisense OPTO-4 is a bi-directional interface cable which provides a safe method of connecting an NMEA 0183 system to a standard 9-pin port serial port (RS232).
The isolation protects the connected device, so any potentially hazardous voltages on the NMEA 0183 bus do not cause damage to the PC hardware, offering the user complete peace of mind.
The OPTO-4 is particularly suited to 'noisy' or commercial environments, as it provides a complete solution for system builders who require all components to be shielded. As it is port-powered (from the PC), the OPTO-4 is quick and trouble-free to install.
The unique Actisense design integrates an over-moulded case for excellent water resistance and a small footprint to ease installation into tight spaces.

Safely connect your PC to your NMEA 0183 network.
Advanced technology for safe, reliable and simple connection of your NMEA 0183 devices to your PC’s USB port.
The USG-2 converts a USB port into a bi-directional serial port suitable for connecting to a marine standard NMEA 0183 data bus.
Electrical isolation is provided by the ISO-DriveTM output and OPTO-isolated input making installation simple and free from ground loops and far safer connection when compared to standard USB to serial converters.
Multiple LEDs make diagnosing connection issues quick and easy. The blue power LED Illuminates solid blue when the USB driver has successfully loaded and the USG-2 is powered, while a green (receive) LED and an orange (transmit) LED indicate whether data is present.
The pluggable screwless connector makes installation quick and easy, and the specifically designed DIN rail mount option ensures a reliable secure bulkhead mount for the USG-2.

USB to Serial adapter for use with NDC-5
Note: this accessory is only suitable for use with the Actisense NMEA 0183 range of products. To safely transfer NMEA 0183 data to a PC from another manufacturers device, the Actisense USG-2 is recommended.

Serial to USB cable assembly
Note: this accessory is only suitable for use with Actisense PRO range products. To safely transfer NMEA 0183 data to a PC from another manufacturers device, the Actisense USG-2 is recommended.