Why proTAC5311?
The best 4G / 5G connection at sea !
proTAC5311 has unique radiating element design, it is made from solid copper and has no lossy (resistive) elements. Thus it provides nearly 100% radiation efficiency compared to other antennas where radiation efficiency is typically only 80% and can be as low as 20%.
proTAC5311 covers all 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G, as well as WiFi frequencies worldwide within its frequency range of 600MHz-6GHz, without compromises.
proTAC5311 is fully omnidirectional and its vertical radiation pattern is ideal making 4G connection stable even in rough sea conditions where vessels are heaving heavily. It is very robust, all-weather proof for harsh conditions at sea.
Frequency range 600MHz to 6GHz
up to 7dBi total net gain - without compromises
Longer range than standard antennas > 35km (line of sight)
Stable connection - good for critical ERP and VPN systems
Lightning and ESD protected
VSWR < 2.0
VSWR = Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
The parameter VSWR is a measure that numerically describes how well the antenna is impedance matched to the radio or transmission line it is connected to. The smaller the VSWR is, the better the antenna is matched to the transmission line and the more power is delivered to antenna. The minimum VSWR is 1.0. In this case, no power is reflected from the antenna, which is ideal.
As VSWR increases, more power is reflected to the radio, which is transmitting. Large amounts of reflected power can damage the radio and information that is being transmitted.
In general if the VSWR is under 2, the antenna match is considered very good and little would be gained by impedance matching.
Antenna´s don´t create radio energy, they only direct or concentrate it in some direction. The amount of intensification in a preferred direction is quantified as gain. It is a key performance number which combines the antenna´s directivity and electrical efficiency.
The mentioned gain for Promarine antennas is overall net gain which includes radiation efficiency and losses in the antenna design.
It is also important to pay attention to the radiation pattern. Ideally the antenna radiates most horizontally (flattens the radiation in the direction of horizon). Energy is lost if the pattern is very wide to all directions.
MIMO - Multiple - Input / Multiple - Output Technology
Antenna diversity uses two or more antennas to improve the quality and reliability of a wireless link. Multiple antennas offer a receiver several observations of the same signal. Each antenna will experience a different interference environment. Thus if one antenna is experiencing a deep fade, it is likely that another has a sufficient signal. Collectively such a system can provide a robust link.
Depending on the network and conditions, two antennas can be used to receive the same signal in order to
combine their powers (stronger signal, greater range)
provide error correction (again greater range)
combine several data streams to maximize the throughput
It requires 2 proTAC5311 antennas to achieve MiMo feature. There should be separation between main and aux antennas. Optimum is 4-6m horizontally depending on the environment. This can be compromised though and also vertical separation can be used (for example mast / deck).
When one antenna is being used, router´s own antenna can work as AUXILLIARY antenna
demonstration of a mimo - connection
What is the maximum range I can get?
Several parameters affect to theoretical distance
base station antenna height and direction
obstacles; islands, buildings, mountains, trees
weather conditions; rain, fog, snow, sleet, waves and other elements
boat installation; cable attenuation, antenna location, mounting
boat attitude and position due to sea state
network configuration, communication mode, frequency
How to get the most of your antenna?
exceed the curvature of the earth by getting your antenna as high as possible
select the antenna location so that it has an unobstructed view
reduce the noise and interference from other equipment and the environment by having an efficient transmission system
pay attention to the quality of your coaxial cables and connectors
Keywords for further reading
* Line of sight * Radio Horizon * Service Range * Fresnel Zone *
proTAC5311 is available in blue and white colour from stock (subject prior to sales). Other colors by request. Antennas are painted with a two-component polyurethane paint, and can be repainted with the same type of paint. It is important that the paint does not contain metallic and carbon based ingredients. The radome is made of ASA plastic.
“The results are amazing. We have just tested your antenna and the signal strength has increased by 30%.
Very pleased with your product.”
Space quality and military performance in compact and robust package for affordable price - innovative communications antenna for 4G data routers and voice communications systems.