METSTRADE 16-18 November, RAI Amsterdam, The Netherlands

METSTRADE - Where the global leisure marine industry comes together

Let´s meet again from 16-18 November 2021! METSTRADE 2021 is ready to be organised in compliance with the current measures that apply to B2B events in the Netherlands.

The METSTRADE Show is the world’s largest trade exhibition of marine equipment, materials and systems. METSTRADE Show is the only truly international B2B exhibition for the marine leisure industry and have served as a platform for innovation, market developments and networking since their launch in 1988. In addition to the overall leisure marine industry, they cater for three specialist sectors, namely Superyachts, Marinas and Yards and Construction materials.

You can register your free ticket from here !

If you plan to visit, make sure to come and check Promarine´s stand where we have our high performance 4G antennas, among other products! Note the new location for our stand 01.301!

We´re in a constant lookout for new dealers, partners and distributors worldwide - come visit us if you´d like to become one!

Upcoming events

14th-15th October 2021 / SYTC2021 / Barcelona, Spain

16th-18th November 2021 / METS / Amsterdam, Netherlands

Superyacht Technology Conference SYTC2021 - Barcelona, Spain

Superyacht Technology Conference will be held 14-15th of October 2021 at The World Trade Center Barcelona. This is the first conference dedicated to Superyacht Technology, inspiring global speakers and technology thought leaders. During the conference break times you can visit multiple workshops and exhibitors in the Innovation lab. If you plan to visit, make sure to come and check Promarine´s stand where we have our high performance 4G antennas - quite commonly used by superyacht customers.

- 2 days - 20 speakers - 300 delegates - workshops and demos - gala dinner and awards -

More about the event - click here


Upcoming events

14th-15th October 2021 / SYTC2021 / Barcelona, Spain

16th-18th November 2021 / METS / Amsterdam, Netherlands

PERUTTU - UIVA Venenäyttely 19-22.8.2021 HELSINKI - CANCELLED

Suomen suurin uiva venenäyttely järjestetään Helsingin Lauttasaaressa 19.-22.8.2021. Uivassa venenäyttelyssä on lähes 300 venettä ja paljon muita elämyksiä koko perheelle. Uusimpana teemana on vapaa-ajan kalastus: kalaveneet, tarvikkeet ja vinkit.

Etsitkö parempaa 4G-yhteyttä veneellesi esimerkiksi etätöiden tekemiseen? Tule tutustumaan eri vaihtoehtoihin osastollamme J2! Avustamme sinua räätälöidyn paketin valinnassa. Myös NMEA0183- ja NMEA2000-ratkaisuihin löydät asiantuntevaa palvelua ja laajan valikoiman Actisensen tuotteita. AC Antennasin VHF-antenneja ja kiinnikkeitä unohtamatta.

Tutustu myös muihin näytteilleasettajiin täältä.

Nähdään UIVA-messuilla!

TO 19.8 ja PE 20.8 KLO 12-20

LA 21.8 ja SU 22.8 KLO 10-18

Vattuniemen puistotie 1, 00210 Helsinki

Upcoming events

19th-22nd August 2021 / UIVA / Helsinki, Finland

16th-18th November 2021 / METS / Amsterdam, Netherlands

POJAT KOUKUSSA - livelähetyksiä vesiltä proTAC5311 antennien avulla

POJAT KOUKUSSA on kalastusta ja vetouistelua harrastava porukka, joka tuottaa siihen liittyvää sisältöä sosiaaliseen mediaan. Pääpaino heillä on livelähetyksissä jolloin yhteydet vesiltä ovat isossa roolissa. He kaipasivatkin parempia nettiyhteyksiä lähetyksien tekemiseen ja antenneiksi valikoitui 2 x proTAC5311.

POJATKOUKUSSA.comista löytyy blogi yhteyksien päivittämisestä ja jäämme mielenkiinnolla seurailemaan heidän kalastusreissujaan ja kuulemaan kokemuksia yhteyksien toimivuudesta myöhemmin kesän aikana!

Livelähetyksiä pääsee seuraamaan Twitch-streamausalustassa

sekä muita päivityksiä Youtubessa , Instagramissa ja Facebookissa .


Etätöitä veneellä? Kokemuksia proTAC5311 antennista Kippari-lehdessä 01/2021

Etätöiden tekeminen veneellä on tullut yhä useammalle uudeksi ja mahdollisesti pysyväksi tavaksi työskennellä. Kippari-lehden alkuvuoden numerossa esiteltiin Klaus Salkolan etäkonttorin kulmakiviä. proTAC5311 antenni on tärkeä osa tätä kokoonpanoa. Klaus Salkolan kokemuksia voi lukea nyt myös “testimonials”-sivustoltamme M/Y OHTA - proTAC5311 .

Kaipaatko sinä vinkkejä etäkonttorin antenni-valintoihin tai onko sinulla jo kokemusta tuotteistamme? Ota yhteyttä myynti @ - kuulemme mielellämme lisää!


UIVA venenäyttely 13-16.8.2020 Helsinki


Suomen suurin uiva venenäyttely järjestetään 13-16.8.2020 Helsingin Lauttasaaressa. Uivassa venenäyttelyssä on lähes 300 venettä ja enemmän elämyksiä kuin koskaan ennen. Uivassa ovat kaikki venealan tärkeimmät toimijat ja voit tehdä hankintoja ensi kesän veneilykautta mielessä pitäen!

Promarine osallistuu Uiva-messuille yhdessä uuden verkkokaupan, workboatparts.comin kanssa. Löydät meidät osastolta G7. Tervetuloa!


to-pe 13-14.8. klo 12-20

la-su 15-16.8. klo 10-18

Vattuniemen puistotie 1

00210, Lauttasaari, Helsinki

Upcoming events:

13th-16th of August 2020 / UIVA / Helsinki, Finland

COVID-19 Promarine tiedote

Kiireisintä sesonkia varjostaa korona-viruksen tuoma epävarmuus. Toimintamme jatkuu toistaiseksi normaalisti ja toimimme viranomaismääräysten mukaisesti. Tartuntariskien minimoimiseksi olemme hajauttaneet osan henkilöstöstämme kotitoimistoille mikä voi aiheuttaa pieniä viiveitä (max. 1-2pv) toimituksissa. Toivomme myymälässämme asioivia henkilöitä sopimaan käynnistään vähintään vuorokautta aikaisemmin, jotta voidaan varmistua siitä että sopiva henkilöstö on paikalla.

Allt För Sjön - represented by True Heading 7-15 March, Stockholm


Sweden´s leading and largest boat show

March 7-15, 2020 at Stockholmsmässan in Älvsjö

“Allt för sjön is Sweden's most important meeting place for boat and water enthusiasts. Here motorboat owners, sailors, archipelago enthusiasts and water sports fans meet with those who love the marine lifestyle. Take the opportunity to meet close to 400 exhibitors and 70,000 visitors during ten days at Allt för sjön!”

Promarine products will be represented by our partner True Heading, stand C01:08. We´re also their dealer for Vector GPS compasses and AIS products in Finland for those who are interested in.

Upcoming events:

7th-15th March 2020 / Allt för sjön / Stockholm, Sweden

1st-2nd April 2020 / Superyacht Technology Conference / Barcelona, Spain

Vene 20 Båt - Expo Helsinki Finland


We´re exhibiting at Vene 20 Båt Expo in Helsinki 7-16 February!

“Vene 20 Båt is the biggest boating event in the Northern Europe. It gathers together hundreds of exhibitors and in year 2019 it had over 65,000 visitors. Vene 20 Båt is an indoor boat show with emphasis on three major sectors: boating, fishing and water sports. “

From our stand you´ll find NMEA solutions from Actisense and Shipmodul, marine antennas from AC Antennas and Comrod, AIS and GPS Compasses from True Heading and of course our own Promarine product family. Come stop by and say hello!

STAND 5r30


Upcoming events:

7th-16th February 2020 / Vene Båt 20 / Helsinki, Finland

1st-2nd April 2020 / Superyacht Technology Conference / Barcelona, Spain


Clearing the air on 5G technology - Superyacht Technology News


..."Without the right antenna, however, you may as well be using a bit of anchor chain to get the signal to the router. Promarine’s Protac 5311 has proven itself in all 4G bands for a long time as the most efficient antenna on the market. Its ability to carry 5GHz WIFI is perhaps less known – and yet, it’s good at that too, and well-suited for 3.5GHz. One of the leading 5G network equipment manufacturers is even using it as 5G reference antennas in all their laboratories.”

Robert McAllister from Horizon Marine Electronics, our distributor in the Balearic islands, did some digging to find the answers to commonly asked questions about 5G. Read the whole article from here.

Upcoming events;

31st October - 1st November 2019 / Maritime Fair / Turku, Finland

19th-21st November 2019 / METS TRADE / Amsterdam, Holland

7th-15th December 2019 / Salon Nautic (represented by PST France) / Paris, France

1st-2nd April 2020 / Superyacht Technology Conference / Barcelona, Spain

Promarine at Maritime Fair 2019, Aboa Mare 31.10-1.11.2019 Finland


“The Maritime Fair 2019 is held at Auriga Business Center, Juhana Herttuan puistokatu 21, Turku Finland. The fair targets professionals within the shipping industry, seafarers, shipping companies, authorities, maritime trainers and students. During the fair, there will be many opportunities for networking and obtaining the latest information from the maritime industry. The fair is a two-day event, organized by the alumni association Ånikap.”

Come meet us there and have a look at our newest distribution, AIR ANTENNA! This inflatable antenna will be revolutionary.


It is also a great opportunity to meet True Heading´s CEO Göran Carlsson and check their AIS products. Come and hear the latest news from the world of AIS! You´ll find us from stands 43-44.

METSTRADE 19-21 November, RAI Amsterdam



“The METSTRADE Show is the world’s largest trade exhibition of marine equipment, materials and systems. We are the only truly international B2B exhibition for the marine leisure industry and have served as a platform for innovation, market developments and networking since our launch in 1988. In addition to the overall leisure marine industry, we cater for three specialist sectors, namely Superyachts, Marinas and Yards and Composites. We do this through three specialised pavilions, each offering a smaller self-contained show within the larger METSTRADE Show context.”

Get your free ticket from here

Hope to see you in METS!

BALTEXPO (represented by Navinord) 9-11 September, Poland

9-11.9.2019, GDANSK POLAND

9-11.9.2019, GDANSK POLAND

The International Maritime Exhibition Baltexpo is the largest in Poland and one of the most prestigious maritime events in Europe. It is being held every two years since 1982. Each edition is organized with the strong support and under the patronage of government, self-government and professional authorities responsible for the maritime sector. This highly renowned event presents the achievements and offer of companies, clusters and research institutes in the following areas: shipbuilding industry; offshore; port and terminal facilities; maritime transport and logistics; shipping; safety and security of coasts, ports and shipping; environment protection.

The event will take place 9-11 September in Gdansk, Poland. Find out more of BALTEXPO here.

Our partner Navinord will represent Promarine products there.

Upcoming events;

9-11th September 2019 / BALTEXPO (represented by Navinord) / Gdansk, Poland

10-15th September 2019 / Yachting Festival (represented by PST France) / Cannes, France

18-23rd September 2019 / Grand Pavois (represented by PST France) / La Rochelle, France

19th-21st November 2019 / METS TRADE / Amsterdam, Holland

New distribution - Air Antenna!

Promarine Ltd is delighted to inform that we will be an exclusive distributor for Air Antennas in Scandinavia!

These revolutionary antennas are waterproof, fireproof and very strong, robust material. Inflate & use, deflate and pack in your rucksack!

We´ll receive our first pieces within couple of days for Marine VHF 156-162MHz frequency. More details and frequencies to follow soon. Stay tuned and follow Air Antennas on Twitter


Cannes Yachting Festival (represented by PST) 10-15 September, France


Since 1977, the Yachting Festival takes place every September in elegant, luxurious surroundings in the sparkling bay of Cannes.

As the first show in the boating season, the Yachting Festival is Europe’s leading in-water boating event. The major players in pleasure yachting come here to launch the show season by showcasing their new worldwide models.

PST will represent Promarine products at Cannes Yachting Festival. You´ll find them @ Pantiero area - booth n° 353. Follow their updates on Facebook

Upcoming events;

10-15th September 2019 / Yachting Festival (represented by PST France) / Cannes, France

18-23rd September 2019 / Grand Pavois (represented by PST France) / La Rochelle, France

19th-21st November 2019 / METS TRADE / Amsterdam, Holland

Nordic HF Conference 12-14 August 2019 Fårö, Gotland

12-14 AUGUST 2019 FÅRÖ

12-14 AUGUST 2019 FÅRÖ

We´re attending to the 12th Nordic HF Conference held on Fårö in the Baltic Sea north of Gotland 12-14th of August. The previous conferences have all gathered a large international participation. Conferences are important venues where users, scientists, engineers and manufacturers meet and have the opportunity to discuss both needs and solutions.

Since the first conference in 1986, each Nordic HF conference has gathered over 100 participants who have enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and stimulating company of colleagues in the informal setting provided by the unique nature of Fårö and the Fårö Training Camp.

Topics focus on radio communication, radio location and radio navigation technology “beyond the horizon” with emphasis on HF, LF and VLF, but they also include long-haul VHF/UHF.

We will also exhibit our products there.

Read more Nordic HF

Other upcoming events:

19th-21st November 2019 /  METS TRADE  /  Amsterdam, Holland

Seawork International 11-13, June 2019


We are exhibiting at the Mayflower Park in Southampton UK on 11 - 13, June 2019, PY62.

"Seawork is a 'one stop shop' for buyers, providing access to the commercial marine and workboat markets. It is the largest European commercial marine exhibition held at the prestigious Mayflower Park venue in Southampton, SO14 2AQ, United Kingdom." -

Register for a free visitors ticket here! See you at Seawork!

Other upcoming events:

12th-14th of August 2019  / Nordic HF Conference HF19 / Fårö, Gotland

4th-6th of September 2019 /  MAST / Copenhagen, Denmark

19th-21st November 2019 /  METS TRADE  /  Amsterdam, Holland