Truly unique and one-of-a-kind antenna!

Promarine antennas are commonly recognized for their distinctive blue color. However, every now and then we also offer highly unique and one-of-a-kind options, delivered for special occasions. Our team is proud to provide antennas that stand out from the crowd and not just performance wise!

See you at

23rd-25th May 2023 / CCW / Helsinki, Finland

1st of June / Maritime Day Åland / Mariehamn, Åland Islands

15th-17th November / METS / Amsterdam, Netherlands


Perinteiset VENE-messut järjestetään Helsingin messukeskuksessa 10-19.2.2023 muutaman vuoden tauon jälkeen. Muuttokiireiden vuoksi emme osallistu messuille tänä vuonna osastolla, mutta tuotteitamme on esillä Polar Dieselin / Workboatparts.comin osastolla 3e28! Promarinen myyntitiimi on myös osan päivistä paikalla.

Tule tutustumaan osastolle 4G antenneihin ja proD5 uutuuteen! Tämä proD4 - tuoteperheen uusi tulokas on todellinen monitoimiosaaja päivitetyillä 5G ja MIMO-ominaisuuksilla. Yhdessä proFIl1313 jakajan kanssa saat seuraavat ominaisuudet käyttöösi

  • FM/TV

  • 2 x MiMo - WLAN

  • 2 x MiMo - 4G/5G

  • 1 x GNSS

    Tule tutustumaan osastolle 3e28 tai pyydä lisätietoja sähköpostitse.

    Messut avoinna

    PE 10.2.2023 11-19

    LA-SU 11-12.2.2023 10-18

    MA-PE 13-17.2.2023 11-19

    LA-SU 18-19.2.2023 10-18

See you at

23rd-25th May 2023 / CCW / Helsinki, Finland

1st of June / Maritime Day Åland / Mariehamn, Åland Islands

15th-17th November / METS / Amsterdam, Netherlands

Promarine antennas on board at Boot Düsseldorf!

If you´re visiting Boot Düsseldorf this week (until 29th of January) you can spot Promarine antennas at Hall 4 / A21 / Finnmaster Boats. The brand new T9 ST (World Premiere 2023) takes boat functionality to a new level! Engineered solutions and details make boating easier and together with our 4G antenna solutions you will also stay connected! Go check it out!

Thank you and Happy Holidays!

We want to thank all our customers and partners for your co-operation this challenging year - we really appreciate it! Looking forward to our continued and successful co-operation in 2023!

See you next year at

23rd-25th May 2023 / CCW / Helsinki, Finland

1st of June / Maritime Day Åland / Mariehamn, Åland Islands

15th-17th November / METS / Amsterdam, Netherlands

TÖITÄ TARJOLLA - määräaikainen myynti-ja markkinointiassistentti

Promarinessa tarvitaan taas lisää ahkeria ja luotettavia työntekijöitä, tällä kertaa myynti- ja markkinointiassistentin määräaikaiseen tehtävään. Toimit myynti- ja markkinointikoordinaattorimme alaisuudessa sekä tiiviissä yhteistyössä muun tiimimme kanssa. Tehtävät pitävät sisällään tarjousten ja tilausten käsittelyä, lähetysten pakkaamista sekä muita huolintaan ja logistiikkaan liittyviä tehtäviä. Osallistut lisäksi markkinointimateriaalin tuottamiseen sekä webbisivujen ylläpitoon ja kehittämiseen. Aiempi kokemus asiakasrajapinnassa sekä vastaavissa tehtävissä toimimisesta auttaa tässäkin, mutta osaat Microsoft officen perustyökalujen käytön ja jonkun graafisen suunniteluohjelmiston (Corel, Adobe) käytön.

Tehtävä on aluksi määräaikainen ajalle 1.12.2022 - 28.2.2023, mutta työtilanteesta sekä hakijasta riippuen jatko voi olla mahdollista. Tehtävässä voi aloittaa välittömästi.

proD4™ family is growing - meet proD5™!

We´ll be launching an exciting new product to our growing 4G/5G portfolio and proD4 family!

proD5 is 4G/5G combi antenna that enables, together with proFIL1313 splitter, simultaneous use of FM radio, TV, 2x MiMo 4G/5G, 2x MiMo-WLAN and GPS! What a multitasker!

* Its terrestrial TV and FM radio broadcast reception incorporates improved interference filtering against LTE and WiFi noise
* Its new WiFi antennas are cross-polarized and supports both 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz band operation - two antennas enable MiMo reception
* Mobile network reception is further improved by adding two cross-polarized LTE and 5G antennas for MiMo reception
* Drop-in-replacement with existing proD4 installations (full use requires additional cabling)

You will see brand new proD5 at our stand at METSTRADE show in Amsterdam next week!

More information will follow in due time. Available Q1 / 2023!

METSTRADE Amsterdam 15-17th of November

Will we see you next week at METSTRADE - where the global leisure marine industry comes together?

We´re delighted to invite you to visit our stand 01.301 15th-17th of November at RAI, Amsterdam. Let´s discuss about 4G (and 5G) antennas and other products for better connections and solutions that can help to overcome interference issues!

We´re in a constant lookout for new dealers, partners and distributors worldwide - come visit us if you´d like to become one!

See you at METSTRADE!

15th-17th November 2022 / METS / Amsterdam, Netherlands

Maritime Fair 2022 3-4.11. at Aboa Mare Turku

If you´re in Turku neighborhood - do stop by at our stand at Maritime Fair 2022!

After Maritime Fair we´ll be busy while preparing and packing to METS Trade Show 15-17th of November in Amsterdam. We´ll also have something new and exciting to show there! More information will follow next week. Remember to register your free ticket before 8th of November!

Register here for free until 8th of November

15th-17th November 2022 / METS / Amsterdam, Netherlands

Meet us at MARITIME FAIR 2022 at Aboa Mare in Turku, Finland!

Promarine will be exhibiting at Maritime Fair next week 3-4.11! We´ll have all our 4G antennas on display and some new exciting products as well! In addition to our own products, we have AC Antennas antennas and mountings on display, as well as new products from Actisense to discuss.

The Maritime Fair 2022 is held at Auriga Business Center in Turku. The fair targets professionals within the shipping industry, seafarers, shipping companies, authorities, maritime trainers and students. During the fair, there will be many opportunities for networking and obtaining the latest information from the maritime industry.

The conference program is now published at:

We look forward to meeting you at the Maritime Fair 2022!


15th-17th November 2022 / METS / Amsterdam, Netherlands

Helsinki Boat Afloat - UIVA venenäyttely HELSINKI 18-21 August 2022

After a one-year break, the Helsinki Boat Afloat show returns with more than 250 boats on display. The largest in-water boat show in Finland takes place in HSK yacht club, Lauttasaari Helsinki this week from Thursday to Sunday.

UIVA Afloat is at the same time a paradise for sailors, a fisherman´s dream and a thrill for those looking for speed. Show features a comprehensive selection of powerboats from modest dinghies to cruising yachts. All the most important suppliers of the boating industry will be participating the UIVA boat show. You´ll find choices for maintenance services, marine engines or equipment and accessories.

Looking for a better 4G connection? Come and stop by at our stand H1. We´ll help you to choose the right product set. We´ll also have NMEA0183 and NMEA2000 products and solutions from Actisense on display and antennas and mountings from AC Antennas. It is a great opportunity to find the right equipment for next summer! See you at UIVA!


Opening times 18-21.8

Thursday - Friday 12-20

Saturday - Sunday 10-18


3th-4th November 2022 / Maritime Fair / Turku, Finland

15th-17th November 2022 / METS / Amsterdam, Netherlands

HF systems – fields of increasing importance / Nordic HF 22 conference in Fårö

On Monday-Wednesday, August 15-17 2022, the 13th Nordic HF Conference HF 22 will be held at the camp on Fårö just north of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. We´ll be exhibiting at the conference as well with some of our new, interesting products.

Conferences are important venues where users, scientists, engineers and manufacturers meet and have the opportunity to discuss both needs and solutions. Since the first conference in 1986, each Nordic HF conference has gathered over 100 participants who have enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and stimulating company of colleagues in the informal setting provided by the unique nature of Fårö and the Fårö Training Camp. Topics focus on radio communication, radio location and radio navigation technology ”beyond the horizon” with emphasis on HF, but they also include LF, VLF.



15th-17th August 2022 / Nordic HF Conference / Fårö, Sweden

18th-21st August 2022 / UIVA / Helsinki, Finland

3th-4th November 2022 / Maritime Fair / Turku, Finland

15th-17th November 2022 / METS / Amsterdam, Netherlands

POJAT KOUKUSSA - livelähetyksiä vesiltä proTAC5311 antennien avulla

POJAT KOUKUSSA on kalastusta ja vetouistelua harrastava porukka, joka tuottaa siihen liittyvää sisältöä sosiaaliseen mediaan. Pääpaino heillä on livelähetyksissä jolloin yhteydet vesiltä ovat isossa roolissa. Vuosi sitten hankitut proTAC5311 antennit olivat nyt päässeet testiin myös Ahvenanmaalla! Livelähetykset olivat toimineet merellä ilman pätkimistä koko 10 päivän ajan ja antenneihin oltiin oltu erittäin tyytyväisiä.

Seuraile POJAT KOUKUSSA tapahtumia

Blogissa, Facebookissa, Youtubessa ja Instagramissa sekä livelähetyksiä




15th-17th August 2022 / Nordic HF Conference / Fårö, Sweden

17th-21st August 2022 / UIVA / Helsinki, Finland

15th-17th November 2022 / METS / Amsterdam, Netherlands

MARITIME DAY Åland 2022 - 12th of May

Trade shows are once again back and Promarine will be exhibiting at Maritime Day in Åland, 12th of May. Come stop by and have a look at our 4G antennas! Exhibition is open on Thursday 9.30-17.00 at Alandica.

Maritime Day is a unique event focusing on shipping and networking. There is a exhibition for ship owners, suppliers, maritime schools and other maritime organisations. Day is also filled with seminars and networking.


12th May 2022 / The Maritime Day / Mariehamn, Åland

15th-17th August 2022 / Nordic HF Conference / Fårö, Sweden

17th-21st August 2022 / UIVA / Helsinki, Finland

15th-17th November 2022 / METS / Amsterdam, Netherlands


Kovasti odotetut Vene Båt-messut Helsingin messukeskuksessa peruuntuivat alkuvuodesta. Venemessujen taholta ei järjestetä tänä vuonna virtuaalisia messuja, mutta yhteistyökumppanimme järjestää viime vuotiseen tapaan omansa! Luvassa on paljon ohjelmaa ja asiantuntija-keskusteluja ja tuote-esittelyitä. Ohjelma nähtävissä kokonaisuudessaan nettisivuilla ja tapahtumaa voi seurata heidän Facebook kanavalla tai Youtube kanavalla.

Hyppää kanaville perjantaina 11.2

13:30 Promarine 4G VHF, AIS, FM antennit, langaton tiedonsiirto

Langattoman tiedonsiirron asiantuntija ja antenneiden suunnittelija Jani Järvinen Promarinen tehtaalta tulee kertomaan, miten oikea antennivalinta vaikuttaa mobiiliyhteyksien laatuun. Promarinen kotimaista valmistusta olevat antennit ovat hyötysuhteeltaan markkinoiden parhaita.

15:00 NMEA2000, muunnokset, modulit ja kytkennät Actisense ja Shipmodul

Jani järvinen esittelee NMEA 2000 verkon rakentamista, Actisense NMEA2000 adapterit ja muuntimet, Shipmodulin muuntimet ja multiplekserit. Miten yhdistän vanhat NMEA0183 ja SeaTalk laitteet uuteen NMEA 2000 verkkoon.

Messujen toistaiseksi puuttuessa ota yhteyttä ja pyydä tarjous niin NMEA-verkon rakennuspalikoista kuin 4G- yhteyksistä! Autamme mielellämme löytämään parhaat vaihtoehdot veneellesi.

11th-20th February 2022 / Vene 22 Båt / Helsinki, Finland - CANCELLED

12th May 2022 / The Maritime Day / Mariehamn, Åland

15th-17th August 2022 / Nordic HF Conference / Fårö, Sweden

15th-17th November 2022 / METS / Amsterdam, Netherlands

Promarine is launching new products at METS in Amsterdam!


Promarine will be launching three new products next week at METS!

proTAC8003 - Interference proof L1 + L2 GNSS antenna

Dual band antenna that supports all of the upper band positioning signals as well as most important lower band GNSS signals. Extremely robust active antenna for dual frequency receivers. High interference rejection on out-band signals and low elevation signal filtering.

proFIL1326 - GNSS / dGPS combiner

Combiner for GNSS / dGPS receivers where separate antennas are being used

proFIL0120 DC Power line noise filter 50V / 20A

Can be used to filter DC power lines for radio equipment and other DC-driven appliances that are causing interference or need to be protected from it


If you can´t visit us at METS, drop us an email and we will send you more information of these products!

16th-18th November 2021 / METS / Amsterdam, Netherlands

11th-20th February 2022 / Vene 22 Båt / Helsinki, Finland

MARITIME DAY, 11th of November, Mariehamn, Åland

Promarine will be exhibiting at Maritime Day in Åland, 11th of November. Exhibition is open on Thursday 9.30-17.00 at Alandica.

Maritime Day is a unique event focusing on shipping and networking. There is a exhibition for ship owners, suppliers, maritime schools and other maritime organisations. Day is also filled with seminars and networking.


16th-18th November 2021 / METS / Amsterdam, Netherlands

11th-20th February 2022 / Vene 22 Båt / Helsinki, Finland